Critique Welcomed The Ocean Of Night

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent

A different shot from Sunday night - wider view cropped 16:7

X-Pro1 and 14mm Lens - Color balanced tungsten, PP in NIK ColorFX

f/8 30 Sec ISO 200
I don't know Chris...this one is great...but the first one has a little more character for me. I this I like the warmer color.
Yep - it's a very cool/cold look, but I rather liked the range of icy blue tones I got with the alternative conversion
Yes, quite a different feel to this. It has a slight look of an illustration / painting to it that I like a lot. Good format for a gate-fold LP cover too! ;)
Now there's a blast from the past - gate-fold LPs!
Now that I'm on the big screen...I understand better what you did.
It's just me having a pi$$-about in PS and NIK Glenn - after playing with white balance in some 120 film night shots I did (see below), I always give it a bash on any new night-shot work I do


Daylight Film


WB Adjusted for florescent
Nice. :)

So what's happened to the camera a month scheme and all that film Mr D?

I have plans to do more as we get through the end of the year - but it's most likely going to spill into 2014 based on the number of film cameras in the 'magic closet' :)
More like a TARDIS Pete - amazing what's in there (that SWMBO has never seen) :D
I think I must be very luck as Ina really doesn't care what I buy. Mind when she saw the size of the case of the 600mm f1:4 I popped into the car the other afternoon she did ask what on earth I needed such a huge lens for! Luckily she lost interest after that and so I didn't need to think up a sensible sounding answer! :rolleyes:
Both are good. But the cooler tone in this shot is really interesting. I think I like it more than the original.
Both are good. But the cooler tone in this shot is really interesting. I think I like it more than the original.
Thanks Ralph - I'm leaning that way as well, although I do think it looks more processed/painted than the original
I think I must be very luck as Ina really doesn't care what I buy. Mind when she saw the size of the case of the 600mm f1:4 I popped into the car the other afternoon she did ask what on earth I needed such a huge lens for! Luckily she lost interest after that and so I didn't need to think up a sensible sounding answer! :rolleyes:
Mmmmmm 600mm goodness - you doing some spy work Pete?