The pool is open!

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
The black and white shot is the "You CAN'T be serious!? We're going home!?" look. Note the two stragglers bringing up the rear. Funny how approximately 10 minutes earlier, before we made the turn back to head back to the car, they were enthusiastically bounding around....

The snake photo kind of stinks. I almost stepped on this this snake Thursday night. I think it was pretty scared. Stephen pointed out the shotgun shell. I didn't see that one but I did see a lot of other ones. I was trying out a new place. I won't be going back there. Too many people with guns.
Excellent stuff as usual, Steve. #1 and #5 are two crackers for the looks on their faces. Classic! Excellent stuff as usual. (Did I mention "excellent stuff as usual"?):)