The Pyramid

Are they going to bury the dean in there one day? I like the composition very much Brian. And in monochrome, although it is the main subject, you almost don't see it behind the trees if you see what I mean. It has uniform tones with little texture and so although it is there, dominating the skyline it is the line of trees and pat that the eye explores first. Nice. :)
Thanks Pete. Actually its a sports venue, not a tomb (although I can't say CSULB's basketball team hasn't been buried by the opposition in there from time-to-time.) And,...they may well bury the dean in there if the California uni system keeps raising tuition. I think it still may be the best higher education deal in the country, but the costs have been soaring the last year or two and its pricing a lot of kids out of the system. Anyway, thanks again, Pete.
I've seen that from the freeway I think - wow, no idea it was a sports arena

As Pete mentioned, I like the way the massive structure is itself towered over by the foreground tree
I wonder how many drunk students have slid down it. Come on someone must have at lest thought about it. The visual contrast between the trees and the pyramid is nice I think and I find the trees are not distracting either. I like the way they are placed in the frame.
Ah yes, the big blue pyramid is an icon in those parts. It's a challenge to photograph, though. Nicely done.
Much appreciated, Darren. Thank you.

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I wonder how many drunk students have slid down it. Come on someone must have at lest thought about it. The visual contrast between the trees and the pyramid is nice I think and I find the trees are not distracting either. I like the way they are placed in the frame.
Thank you very much, Paul.