Critique Welcomed The Sky at night

Kev Pugh

Well-Known Member
This weekend is forecast to be clear skies and a meteor shower to boot so just back after a few glasses of the fine stuff and a sit at the bottom of Saltbox mansion grounds to test a few locales

This is why it's nice to live out here and not in the city.:)

Night Sky (1) by Kev Pugh, on Flickr
I can understand why you like living there, Kev. Nice to see the stars! Very nice photo, which you should send to Astronomar Weekly.
What a coincidence! I was out trying this for the first time last night. I gave up after the camera finished processing at 11.30 though and went to bed. I don't think my lens is wide enough to get an interesting foreground. Yours is simply stunning. I love the way you have framed the stars and the wonderful colours :)
I love the colors and the little embryonic star trails, Kev. Would you mind revealing the exposure time, aperture and ISO?
No Probs Brian

This was a very quick grab just popped on the fisheye, f8; approx 5 min exp; ISO was high at 800, off the Tripod, if I had had more time to set up then I would have had a longer exp and lower ISO (100) but I wanted to get a shot off..........

No PP and shot as Jpeg

thanks each :)
No Probs Brian

This was a very quick grab just popped on the fisheye, f8; approx 5 min exp; ISO was high at 800, off the Tripod, if I had had more time to set up then I would have had a longer exp and lower ISO (100) but I wanted to get a shot off..........

No PP and shot as Jpeg

thanks each :)
Very cool. Thanks, Kev!
This is great stuff Kev - did you have any long exposure noise reduction in camera?