The World's Worst HDR

Rob MacKillop

Edinburgh Correspondent
Lightroom 6 boasts an HDR feature, which normally I avoid like the plague. But this evening I thought I would at least have a look at it. I didn't have three bracketed shots, so I took one from earlier today, and created a copy at +1.5EV, and other at -1.5EV. Then I hit Ctrl-H, and sat back to watch the magic happen. Result? Not magic at all. Bloody awful!









Progress! LOL.
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LOL glad someone else is useless at HDR. I've tried exactly what you've done a long time ago. Once was enough. Probably improves after some substance or beverage but as I indulge in neither it never looks good
LOL. I'm sure I'm not alone. But, I've done some, again by way of experiment, in NIK HDR2 which are certainly better than the above, so I'm not 100% useless ;) Still not "me", though:
