Theme: By Train, Plane, Boat or Car - images taken from moving vehicles

Great question!
I think a good soundtrack to a train journey like this would be...

This is a great theme, perhaps suitable to describe your train ride, but I was asking for a soundtrack for the photo. I would have expected something more dynamic, more dramatic. I don't know, something from a film by David Lynch, Tarantino or the Coen brothers.
This is a great theme, perhaps suitable to describe your train ride, but I was asking for a soundtrack for the photo. I would have expected something more dynamic, more dramatic. I don't know, something from a film by David Lynch, Tarantino or the Coen brothers.
This is what popped into my mind when I saw it:

It reminds me of summer in the deep south US. LOL
A window on Houghton Bay
I'm impressed with how that (presumably effectively fast moving) barrier/fence frames the waves and swimmers. Well caught.
IR image taken on a train journey.
Oh, that's nice...
What Hi-Fi music would you pair with this shot? I'm curious to know.
Now that's a very interesting idea... music can be paired very effectively with photographs. Before I listen to the suggestions I shall consider what I'd put with it....
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I have no idea how this will fit in with the other suggestions here... I haven't even looked at them as I wanted to come at it with no preconceptions.

I eventually settled on this one.

My first consideration was this one - - but I think it's too slow paced for the image.

Then had a feeling that one of LMNC's own tracks would be a fit but decided against it for similar reasons. I do like this one though - https://lookmumnocomputer.bandcamp....1&search_sig=41ed422570c6ed927a5d977bfa6ae178

Needs reasonable speakers or headphones... horrendous on my tinny laptop speakers just now... :oops:

Now I'll try out the other suggestions!
I have no idea how this will fit in with the other suggestions here... I haven't even looked at them as I wanted to come at it with no preconceptions.

I eventually settled on this one.

My first consideration was this one - - but I think it's too slow paced for the image.

Then had a feeling that one of LMNC's own tracks would be a fit but decided against it for similar reasons. I do like this one though -

Needs reasonable speakers or headphones... horrendous on my tinny laptop speakers just now... :oops:

Now I'll try out the other suggestions!
Great choice!
(I'm an Alan Parsons Project fan)