Theme: Images From Cameras Costing £50 Or Less

Tom Dunne

Well-Known Member
Can be film or digital camera as long as you paid less than 50 squid for it. I wonder if it would make it more interesting if you gave a few details about the camera, where you got it and how much you paid for it. Better still if you posted a photo of the camera with your first offering. Interested?
My dinner is poured out now but I'll be back:). Who's brave enough to start it rolling?
Mine's actually quite simple. It cost about £35 to make!


This was with my first film camera, a Pentax K1000. Can't recall the film, other than the fact that it was Kodak. The light was just perfect. I probably could have framed the scene better, but I still think it one of my best 35mm film shots. The trees across the road helped give the dappled effect on the wall.

by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​
Pete only recently I discovered the thread where you kept us up to date on the making of your camera. Great story and look at that image it gave you. Beautifully soft and relaxing with a lovely quality.
Rob how much did the camera cost you? Fantastic light on a lovely colourful street and as you pointed out the shadows of the trees gave it so much extra.
Great theme - I have lots of pix I can share once back off my hols. Oly trip, OM10, Yashica minister iii, nikon FA, FG, FTN.... Etc :)
Here's one


Palm Tree - from the bottom of the pool

Taken with a cheap as chips old Canon Sureshot A1 waterproof camera and some Ilford XP2

Had to think a while about what to select since very few of my cameras cost more than 50 quid. (I think most of my posts to RPF over the several years I have been involved were taken with the XA or the XA3. Both cost me $40.) Anyway, it came down to a choice of 3 and I elected to go with an image from my Cheap As Chips camera from the competition (which I did not win but am not bitter!:mad:) of a couple of years ago: The Konica Autoreflex TC, which cost me about $10. The film was Ilford Delta 100 which I processed in Rodinal. (The location of the photo is The Getty Center in Los Angeles.)

Here's the camera:
Well done everybody. She's really sucking the diesel now. So, don't stop;) Where's everybody else.
Loving all the images and I really enjoy seeing the images of the cameras. I think all the images have been interesting in composition and subject matter, with a great variation.
Another one from me from the Holga 135 and it's reliably unreliable plastic lens. I'm not cheating; I'll have some from my other Holga too.
