Theme: Your Bookshelf

Long time no post, sorry all.

Here's just one of my shelves dedicated to all things steam and model engineering.

My Bookshelf
par Richard Mullard, on ipernity

Right at the top is 1 of my r/c subs, next is some of my clock, movie, sailing and beer making books, sadly no longer able to partake of the falling down juice on account of the tablets for high blood pressure has a problem with alcohol.

Next shelf, steam engine related. Same for the next shelf, the oldest book in my possession is the 1856 1st edition of the 'Memorials to James Watt' and a couple of originals by Samuel Smiles. One thing I have noticed is I need to have a damn good clean up, as the cobwebs show up when you use the on-camera flash.


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Good one, Rich. Some heavy books there. They'd all be lost on me, that's for sure. Don't clean up the cobwebs - it takes years to grow them back again, and they add character. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it!
Cool shelf Rich. Interesting combination of books...but the sub really interests me. I'm full of questions like...does it deep...did you build it...??? I got to play with the real ones for a career.
Thanks guys, the 8 legged freaks give me the heeby geebies, when I worked for an alarm company I had a late night call-out to a system in Oxford with an unknown activation, the occupant was a blind lady and when I'd done a walk round of the premises her bedroom ceiling was covered wall to wall with cobwebs needless to say her cleaner had a stiff talking to the following day.

I've created a separate thread here
rather than go off topic in this thread.
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