They Gazed in Wonder...

out of the windows as the I-929 manoeuvred slowly through the smog-wreathed tower blocks of the city!


Cambo Legend + Schneider Super-Symmar 120 mm f1:5.6 + PhaseOne P45. ISO 50, 1/2s at f1:8.0. Tungsten Lighting (Single overhead softbox + white/red/yellow reflectors and smoke machine). PP in LR, Nik ColorFX Pro 4 and Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 / PS.
Hmm, maybe I do prefer the colour version after all. I'd envisaged it as a darkish, near mono with just a hint of colour, but now I'm not so sure. I might make the clouds fluffy and add some windows to the 'skyscrapers' too - I wanted them to be child-like but maybe they are just a bit too simplistic.

Both SUPERB photographs. I mean the quality of the image, not the content. Do they do a pocket version of the Cambo Legend?
As for the content: I love the I-929! I think I prefer it in the darkened version, but the clouds are rendered better in the colour version. What a quandary...

Really interesting images, though, Pete.
Thanks, Rob. Still not quite what I had in mind and, if I get the time, I will do some more tomorrow - I have found the cotton wool! I have been playing with a crop and might create an image with the airship close-to and a more complicated city in the background. Might light the smoke separately too.

With grain added.


I like the first one the best, its atmosphere and colors fits the subject.
The second one has very nice colors, however the reflection on the top of the zeppelin is distracting me too much and affecting the atmosphere/feeling of the image in my opinion.

Looking forward to updates on the project :)