Toys in Action

This was really Kev's idea, but I'm stealing it! Given the recent rash of threads on toys in real-world scenes, how about a bit of a contest to brighten up the winter days (or cool down the summer ones, for those in the southern hemisphere!). Up to three entries. And to start things off, here is my first.


Cambo Legend, Schneider Super Symmar 120mm f1:5.6 MC, PhaseOne P45 back. Side-lit with a Bowens focussing spot flash driven from a Bowens Quadmatic Asymmetric generator (1 kJ s) with light bounced back from left by a white wall. 1/60s at f1:11 with 15º left swing on the front standard. PP in CaptureOne Pro 7, PS and Nik ColorFX 4.
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And entry number two!


Cambo Legend, Schneider Super Symmar 120mm f1:5.6 MC, PhaseOne P45 back. Side-lit with a Bowens focussing spot flash driven from a Bowens Quadmatic Asymmetric generator (1 kJ s). 1/60s at f1:11. PP in CaptureOne Pro 7, PS and Nik ColorFX 4.
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Great Start Pete and what a great idea :p

Now I have posted this a while back but still one of my faves so going to submit and I will be shooting new ones.

Hunting Tiger

Tiger 2 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

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Although not quite as awesome as everyone elses, here is my attempt:

Title - "Hang on, lads; I've got a great idea"

David - you're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! :D
I like David's a lot! Very different in that its not trying to appear real, but in fact is shown in surreal juxtaposition with the real. Excellent!

But,...they're all smashing shots. Pete,...that JU52 shot is a real corker,...a stonker! A cracker! Indeed,...absolutely smashing. As for Entry number 2,...Too much dust! (Do be more careful with your scans in future.:p ) Beth,...I wanna be in that van! (I'm a hippy at heart, so you have my sentimental vote, but its a fine shot, too.) Kev,...A Bridge Too Far! Excellent!

I'm not competing in this; I am unworthy!
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Go on Brian - I'm thinking of having a go... I have a few toys kicking about - on my desk! :)

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And entry number two!


Cambo Legend, Schneider Super Symmar 120mm f1:5.6 MC, PhaseOne P45 back. Side-lit with a Bowens focussing spot flash driven from a Bowens Quadmatic Asymmetric generator (1 kJ s). 1/60s at f1:11. PP in CaptureOne Pro 7, PS and Nik ColorFX 4.

That's no toy...

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realized i hadn't posted this one yet.

Land of the Giants Beth :)

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Great Start Pete and what a great idea :p

Now I have posted this a while back but still one of my faves so going to submit and I will be shooting new ones.

Hunting Tiger

Tiger 2 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

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Wonderful execution - model and photo Kev
Think I posted this before - on behalf of my old school friend Jonathan Baxter - now living in LA just up the road



And here's a few others he's done:


Godzilla in LA


Eagle & Crab Nebula


USS Enterprise (movie version) - Diamond/Art Asylum model plus windows and lights added via Photoshop

He's well into this sort of thing as you can tell :)
I need this in my life lol

I have shot 2 more this morning:

Title - A very british flyby



Title - Attack on the factory

I like them too but I think the first is the best. There is an obvious context with all the tea and coffee making items. Even the background with the kitchen worktop, tiles and plug sockets are part of it. Then there is the plane that is a surprising out of place element in the image.