What did I ever do to deserve that?!
I'm not so sure about this set up after this morning's trip to the Cemetary for more shots. A family walked by just as I'd spotted something worth shooting, and the young boy of about six years photographed me with his little automatic. I said, "Mine's bigger", which was a fairly dumb thing to say to a six-year old, and I regretted it instantly. Anyway, we all got a little laugh out of it. So, as the lad was curious about my camera, I said, "Want to have a look inside the viewfinder?", and his mum encouraged him. Then I showed him how I lined up a shot, light meter usage, altering the tripod, pulling out the dark slide, etc before firing, and it just seemed to go on for ages. The little guy got bored, then said, "Yours might be bigger, but mine is faster!". My, how we laughed!