
Wow! Springtime! Nice. Feels like spring in Montana today with temp at 50 F and winds at 40 mph.

I like the composition and especially the exposure. The colors are captured very well.
Thanks Ralph, kind words, appreciated.

Pretty cold here in the U.K. just now (central Scotland), around 4/5 degrees this afternoon with it probably dropping lower later near midnight etc, we've just lit the wood-burning-stove in our lounge --- wow beautiful (free) heat.

I selected 'vivid' setting on the Nikon D800 menu for this floral photo.
Spring...? You all have it good. It was Wintery here today. Low 70s, with a cloud or two visible in the distance. :p

Nice shot this one, Peter. As I suggested in my response to your "Dreamy" post, pictures of flowers don't do much for me,...but this is very appealing.