New Username tagging

I'm just trying to work out if we can make if notify someone when they are tagged ... meaning for eg i could say "I really like @Brian Moore, he is such a friendly chap" then he will get notified ... ... which would be cool!
For someone who has absolutely no idea what you are talking about - can I safely ignore this? (You'll have to excuse me, I've just taken delivery of a hired TomTom and now I have to move all my saved Photographer's Ephemeris locations in order to get the longitude/latitude for the favourites. It's impossible trying to point to the middle of nowhere on the map...) :)

Now the battery has died on the TomTom. I've only had it working for an hour and they only sent a car charger. Now what am I supposed to do? Sit in the car with the engine running, while I finish the job? :eek: