Critique Welcomed Wally By Fuji

Keith Hollister

Well-Known Member
A grab shot with the X-E2 & 23/1.4 @ f2, ISO 3200(!) Raw in LR with Luma NR=15.

Wally is our 2 year old. Great cat rescued as a feral kitten in a state park by a friend, although he does have a temper - we refer to him as "Snarkasaurus". I'm surprised he let me stick the camera in his face this close. I couldn't resist the north window light on a cloudy day.

I'm with Chris on being a fan of this lens in spite of the price tag.

Thanks, Lesley.
Thanks, Brian. At least some of that is due to the Glamour Glow filter in Nik CEP
And just to complete the triptych of our 3 cats ala Fuji, here's our old guy Zeke. He is 16 and not the brightest bulb, but he is handsome. Another ISO 6400 shot, 23mm/1.4 @ f/2.

Keith - they're just tolerating you because you provide food and warmth! :D

Lovely stuff - love that color in Wally's eyes
Thanks guys, but I think you are being a bit kind, at least with respect to Zeke's photo. While I like the light (table lamp) and the "bokeh'd out" photos hanging on the wall behind (I'm always amazed at friend's houses/apartments with none of their images on the walls even though they dabble in photography), the Fuji IQ really starts to slide at 6400. The noise is quite manageable (actually damn impressive, although I brushed in additional NR on the background here) but the resolution, color transitions and DR are really heading south. The luminosity and delicate softness of the Wally image is largely missing in the latter one, even though it was the same lens, same aperture. A shame really, because the noise is still not too bad. Useable in a pinch, but not where I would choose to shoot unless there is no recourse.