What is a real photographer ?

I joined this forum not because it's called "Real Photographers", but because it is a forum for film photographers. Not mainly film, although it would seem that a good number of the members here are using film for their photographs. I would've joined no matter what the name of it was, tbh. So, the word "real" never had any impact on my decision to join; the fact that I sometime write for 35MMC had, though. Sort of like you're friend with someone at work, and then you get invited to his backyard for a Sunday party. Get to know him better, deepen the friendship, that kind of thing; especially if me and him have the same (or almost the same) hobbies or pastimes activities.

I know what RPF stands for, but let's play the game: what does it mean to be a real photographer? No idea, for I am not really interested in placing myself or others in small little boxes with fancy labels on them. We are and do what we are and do, I guess. Labels just spoil the fun we're suppose to have in the process of whatever we're doing, irrespective of the results. My personal belief, of course.
The 'real' in the name of RPF does cause some confusion, and the lead post in this thread does not help. When Hamish created RPF he used the real and the rules that surround it to insist that members use their real names and not a nickname to limit the poor behaviour he had become frustrated with on other forums. And it worked.

As far as I am concerned, we all use cameras and produce photographs and are sufficiently proud of the results that we even put our name to them. If that doesn't make us real photographers I don't know what else does! ;)
What is a real photographer? In my opinion anyone who takes photographs for the joy of taking photographs to record an event or circumstance, be it portraiture, landscape photography or any other form of the art.

I am getting on a bit now, been around the block a few times, but I almost always had a camera with me. I travelled the world in my chosen profession so I considered a camera essential. Never left home without one, and if I did - I bought one on site.

I have processed and printed my own films in black and white and Cibachrome (remember that?) from slides I had taken. I have never had a dark room, I commandeered the kitchen for printing and used a daylight loading film processing tank. More recently I have turned my hand to processing E-6 film myself along with black and white film, digitally scanning the results with film scanners and storing the resulting images for posterity.

I recently embarked on a project of scanning all the old negatives I have, this will keep me going for some time I imagine.

I have a collection of film and digital cameras and lenses - I try to use them all from time to time, something else to keep me busy. I get considerable satisfaction getting passable to good results from some of my quirkier cameras.

I am not a very good photographer, my technique is pretty good, but I lack the artistic flair to make great photographs, to that end, in compensation, I try to give something back to the arts community - I life model for artists classes from time to time.

From the foregoing I think that makes me a "Real Photographer"
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Not a pseudonym, I was christened with it. But I don't understand the inference?
Sorry Bill. I thought you might have read @Pete Askew"s post earlier in this thread. The "Real" in The Real Photographers Forum is for real names. A quote from Pete's post:

"When Hamish created RPF he used the real and the rules that surround it to insist that members use their real names and not a nickname to limit the poor behaviour he had become frustrated with on other forums. And it worked."
Sorry Bill. I thought you might have read @Pete Askew"s post earlier in this thread. The "Real" in The Real Photographers Forum is for real names. A quote from Pete's post:

"When Hamish created RPF he used the real and the rules that surround it to insist that members use their real names and not a nickname to limit the poor behaviour he had become frustrated with on other forums. And it worked."
I had read it, but did not make the association 🤫

Myinspirations, by Ivar Dahl-Larsen.

The stillness of nature
soothes me down.

Beautiful surroundings
and a setting sun,

reminds me of,
the ones I hold so dear.

But tranquillity out there
at times can be too much

because I need
and want to touch
the core of all my inspiration.

The bustling life
of people
wherever it takes place.

That's where you’ll find me,
and in people, I do find
sorrow, tears and laughter,

Emotions really,
curiosity in all its kind
of questions.

People make music
so lyrical and fine

People make love
it's exciting
it touches every nerve of mine.

What greater an inspiration
can anybody get
than such an inspiration

that triggers the heart and mind
and yet,
leaves me to understand

to hopefully create,
the image that I’m after.

Well maybe then, you can call yourself a photographer. It is all about emotions, revealing them and bestowing them, regardless of which name is publishing them.


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