Which European city?

Tim Pindar

Well-Known Member
Advice please - we'd like to go on a European city break in the upcoming late October half term. We've done Barcelona, Paris and Lisbon in recent years, so somewhere different is called for.

I can trawl the web as well as everyone, but wondered if anyone on the forum has visited somewhere, especially at that time of year and would like to recommend it?

Naturally I'd be interested in somewhere with good photo opportunities (but only as part of normal sightseeing etc with the other half, not special outings with just a tripod and camera bag for company).

We do like a bit of culture, and she prefers somewhere she can have reasonable comfort/luxury.

So, any recommendations?
I would recommend Berlin, Lugano (Switzerland), Sarajevo, Budapest or Praque.
I know that doesn't narrow it down much, but each of these place's have their own unique appeal.
Berlin is steeped in ugly glamour.
Lugano is great for landscapes (and relaxing the other half!)
Sarajevo is great for escaping the clutches of "European-isation"
Budapest is Brilliant for HCB-esque cyclist shots, and endless meanderings
And Prague...well...its Prague!!!
Barcelona is "nice", but any of the cities above will leave you forgetting where it is...IMHO.
I've been lucky enough to have visited every country in Europe (with the exception of Portugal) and everwhere I have been has various attractions! Let us know what Country you decide upon and I can hopefully give you some advice on it
Hope this helps
Barry :-)
Madrid - stunning architecture, walking friendly old city, great food!

Can recommend hotels, restaurants etc if interested - definitely a SWMBO friendly holiday

Or Lucca Italy - just knockout location - great city, great food, great shopping, great photography - Easyjet to Pisa and a 25 min Taxi to Lucca.


Again, I can recommend hotel, restaurants etc - SWMBO was in heaven :)
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Personally I didn't like Prague at all. Its quite clear from the moment you get there that people just want your money for their ridiculously over priced goods and then want you to go away as quickly as possible. We found generally the people to be grumpy and a bit rude. Its very expensive too I'm talking about over £4 for a small can of drink in some of the tourist spots. So unless your into the cultural side of things such as the orchestras and theatres etc you may be disappointed, look into it carefully.

Of course your experience may differ...........
theres a bar in prague called the "alcohol bar" id go there again for that ... bloody frezzing in the winter, i went in december ... i think i didnt have feeling in my hands for about 65% of the time i was there!
OK thanks everyone.

Well, surprise surprise, we had homed in on Prague as we've never been to eastern Europe and it sounded very nice, and I found some really good flights from Brum which were running out fast, so just booked it. Also now found a hotel.

Just hope we don't have the same experience as Paul!

So, more thoughts and recommendations re Prague, please? Where should we go on a short visit, and most importantly, where are the good photo opportunities to be found?
Prague is pretty small really, you won't need a car. Try the park on the hill, you can get an all day travel pass at the main tram terminal. The funicular might be worth a try, it goes to the park on the hill. One of the few things I did find good was Prague at night, it gets quite busy and is lit up especially around the main square so take a tripod.
I don't remember a great deal, there is a nice clock in the square, and some nice bridges with people selling art on then that go over the river to what appeared to be the older part of town!
When are you going? If it's winter... Take a big coat!
So, we're off to Prague for a few days tomorrow - the weather forecast is mild, dry and sunny :)

Hoping to get some good photos.
Go to the alcohol bar and get some fine cocktails served by find waitresses ... And take a photo of the massive amount of bottle of booze behind the bar! :)