Whitewater Woods

I hate my DP1. And I'll hate my DP3 when it arrives.

Got a lens hood for the DP1 this morning. It fits the lens easily - but you can't put the cap on at the same time. :(
I hate my DP1. And I'll hate my DP3 when it arrives.

Got a lens hood for the DP1 this morning. It fits the lens easily - but you can't put the cap on at the same time. :(

The one reason why I've got two rubber hoods on order , they work well and can be squished down. Yes annoying Rob.
Cheap ones Rob, lots on the web. I had one in a box which fitted the DP3, it worked fine. Not as cool looking but very practical. Just fold it back before the camera goes into the bag. I like the hood or any hood as I can slip the camera which is around my neck, inside my shirt, or jacket with a button done up to stop it swinging around, the hood is enough to keep the lens clear of anything.
Link http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kood-49mm...ns_caps_hoods_adaptors_ET&hash=item20d7600f2c
Mine aught to be here if not tomorrow or Wednesday so can let you know how they are.
nice, but the camera doesn't have very good iq, see how everything is a little shaky and blurry? you should switch to fuji. ;)

love the colors and silhouette, the waviness adds a lot of interest to an already interesting photo without overdoing it.