Critique Welcomed Wind Mountain

Ralph Thornton

Well-Known Member
This is one of my favorite mountains to climb. Only take a few hours and it's lots of fun. This view was made from across the valley of the South Fork of the Teton during my first backpack of the season. The habitat here is very windy and dry. Few plants can tolerate those conditions. Most of the trees are limber pines which seem to thrive in dry and windy spots.

It even looks like the mountain has been bent by the wind.
I can see why you like it though it must be a bit bleak in bad weather.
That's a beauty!!
An to think some people refuse to do landscape photography at any other time than the "golden hour"
This really captures the landscape as it is!
Very nicely framed too!!
Thanks Adrian.
Hamish, I was up at sunrise to photograph Wind Mountain from our camp. That was at 5:55 am. But the sky was cloudy and no magic light appeared. Fortunately I got this result later in the morning.
Excellent shot, I love the dots of colour and the vibrant shades of green
That's a mighty fine shot Ralph

Loving the portrait format, and the way you used the foreground rocks to lead into the main mountain

The pops of orange color in the heather? are great, and the clouds in the sky really finish it off nicely
Sometimes I hunt around quite a bit to find the composition I want to shoot. This time as my friend and I were hiking along I sort of fell right into the spot. I called a rest break so I could set up the tripod and shoot. The clouds were a problem as they intermittently shaded either the foreground or the mountain in the distance. I think we spent more than 40 minutes there shooting the scene with different lighting and slightly different framing.
Beauty Ralph. I, too, like how the rocks in the foreground lead your eye right up that mountain. Colors are delightful, too.