Window Display

Paul Lange

We went to Bury St Edmunds last weekend just to get out for a bit and that is where I spotted this window. I walked past it first and then stopped for a double take before walking back while fishing for my camera. I believe the rather festive and attractive display was in the windows of a hairdressers. I'm still torn between the two versions (colour / black and white) but currently towards the black and white.

by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
So glad you did the B&W Paul - as I saw the color shot I was thinking 'do it in B& it in B&W..' :)

I love the feeling of looking into a fantasy world through the window
I too think black and white Paul it not only gives the imageage but it loses that little bit of distracting green foliage at the top without cropping it out and losing the composition
I like the colour one better, but the green foliage is a bit distracting as Kev said. Great shot though, you might wonder what's going on behind those windows....
Great feedback, guys. I didn't really see the green foliage as distracting until it was mentioned. On the B&W versions it is OK but on the colour I think I might prefer the colour one with some of the top cropped off. It never really occurred to me that different crops might be needed for colour and B&W.