Winter Grass

Kev Pugh

Well-Known Member
Another from the Wetlands

Winter Grass by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

The PP is done in Fuji's Silkypix RAF RAW file converter, something I didn't like but having played with it it has some nice little tweaky sliders...:D
Loving it - I like the the way you've got really low to make the grass stand out against the skyline, and then the B&W treatment really works here.
Thanks Guys, Chris I was actually stood to take this and I'm Six Foot Four :D:D, the trees behind are on the far bank of the river, amazing how we perceive things and to be honest how you have seen it is exactly how I perceived it to be...the pp is part preset and part manual tweaks to suit ..thanks again
Kev - you have the world's tallest grass in your neck 'o the woods! :D
I'm with Paul I think!
I'm not shy of te odd vignette, but I think this sort of thing works when it's a bit more stark as opposed to closed in ... Does that make sence?