Working in Darkness

Brian Moore


A hostess in a local restaurant attends to her duties, despite the power outage. Huntington Beach, February 14, 2012. Canon 7D, and Tamron 18-270 zoom.
Very nice Brian. There is a real air of tranquility about her isn't there? And I really like the line created between the orange highlight behind her, the colour if the light on her face and the red glow from the towel. Nice compositional lead. It tends to make you look between the first and last points and so engages you with her face before moving on to the plates of food and then the illuminated background on the left.
Thanks, Pete. Yes,...air of tranquility is right. I took the shot through a window, so I'm not actually sure whats what in the image, given that there some reflection. Nevertheless, I really liked how the lassie's face showed up so calm and illuminated. Anyway, thanks again Pete!
There's something in both this shot and some others of yours that reminds me of the early colour work of Saul Leiter. I was trying to find a link to one but I think the ones I'm thinking of are in a book. But if you search for him I think you will see elements of what I mean. I think it's the palette and saturation. But in many ways I like the indistinctness of yours better.
Pete I just took a look at some of Saul Leiter's work on Google images. I was unfamiliar with him until now. Looks to me like he was shooting Kodachrome and he shot some very interesting images.

I am not worthy of it, but I do thank you for even mentioning Leiter in reference to my images, Pete. Much appreciated.