No idea. It is a real shame, tho. Lovely photos.
The EFKE films were never that well hardened although they did improve them slightly in the 80's. Adox Art 25 is EFKE 25.

I've used a lof of EFKE 25 since the 1970s, in fact I still have some left in Quarter plate, 5x4 and 10x8, and I've never had that happen with mine. However I've a good idea what's caused it as I've seen it before. Because the emulsion's softer it absorbs more water etc in processing than other makes of film, that looks like mineral build up (calcium) left after the film has dried.

You could try soaking the negatives in dilute acetic acid or white vinegar (strong stop-bath) then washing again if it's calcium it should remove it but it's likely the emulsion surface will have been damaged slightly.

In future ou need to use de-ionised or distilled water for the final rinse to prevent this happening with other films. I just used water from a Brita type filter jug here in the UK, or bottled water when I'm in Turkey.
