
  1. John Holland

    Sunset - Changes Over Time

    One sunset - three photos over a time span of just twenty minutes. Sunsets here are colorful, but you have to be ready as they change quickly, and fade fast. Sometimes the sunset is so-so, but the afterglow turns up the colors. All shot from my "backyard" - iPhone images captured in RAW...
  2. John Holland

    California Coast

    These images were taken last year -- I am just now getting around to doing the edits/processing of the images. Near McWay Falls Near the Bixby Bridge (the bridge is on the right side of the frame). The Bixby Bridge is a fair well known and photographed bridge on the Pacific Coast...
  3. John Holland

    Flying High Above The Clouds

    On my way to Florida, I lucked out to a window seat and a clean window
  4. John Holland

    Sunset, Florida Style

    This is a composite/merge of 9 iPhone images into a sunset panorama. The images were capture in RAW (DNG) and then I merged and processed them in Photoshop.
  5. John Holland

    Asiatic Lily (with hoverfly)

    Just as I finished setting up for this shot, a hoverfly (a marmalade hoverfly, I believe) decided that the pollen would make a great meal. I was happy to have the added bonus in the shot. I tried to get one capture with it flying/hovering, but it was not that cooperative (and refused any...
  6. John Holland

    Lizard With Attitude

    I found this green anole trying to hide behind a twig. I went into the house to get the camera and see if I could capture a few images (I nabbed a few with the phone camera I'll post later on). Slowly I approached trying to minimize any sudden moves. I got into position and set up for the...
  7. John Holland

    Back to the lizards

    More Green Anole lizards pictures
  8. John Holland

    Nigella (aka Love In A Mist)

    This neat flower starts out as a white flower with a tinge of blue at the ends of the petals. In a couple of days it turns all blue.
  9. John Holland

    Furry Poppy Bud

    The poppies are getting into the act as well
  10. John Holland

    Blooming Clematis

    Well, spring is showing off. 1/60 second, f/11, ISO 800
  11. John Holland

    Lounging Lizard

    The first appearance of the Carolina Green Anole lizard. F/11, 1/250 second, ISO 800 It has been a long time since I got the camera out of its storage area. So long that I had to search through my extra batteries to get one that had enough charge to allow me to take the pic -- all...
  12. John Holland

    Clematis Flower

    Clematis Blooms
  13. John Holland

    Green Anole Lizard

    Just hanging out in the palm - with a cautious eye on what is getting a bit close
  14. John Holland

    The last little bit

    The latest skin shedding is almost complete, just one little bit left and it just won't fall off (hate when that happens)
  15. John Holland

    Hiding In Plain Sight

    He is trying to be as one with the plant
  16. John Holland

    Here's My Good Side

  17. John Holland


    The male lizard showing off for the ladies (and warning the other males) (FYI, we have named him Larry)
  18. John Holland

    Lizard Battle

    Two male Carolina Green Anole lizards got into a turf battle. The object of the battle decides to get a closer look at the contestants (maybe to cheer on her favorite) After a draw at the "Battle of the Hose", round two was held on the wall. Where one of the lizards gained the upper...
  19. John Holland

    Red Poppy

    Poppy bud with "hat" Opened
  20. John Holland

    Red Poppy Bud (new image added)

    A poppy bud about ready to open