One sunset - three photos over a time span of just twenty minutes. Sunsets here are colorful, but you have to be ready as they change quickly, and fade fast. Sometimes the sunset is so-so, but the afterglow turns up the colors.
All shot from my "backyard" - iPhone images captured in RAW...
These images were taken last year -- I am just now getting around to doing the edits/processing of the images.
Near McWay Falls
Near the Bixby Bridge (the bridge is on the right side of the frame). The Bixby Bridge is a fair well known and photographed bridge on the Pacific Coast...
This is a composite/merge of 9 iPhone images into a sunset panorama. The images were capture in RAW (DNG) and then I merged and processed them in Photoshop.
Just as I finished setting up for this shot, a hoverfly (a marmalade hoverfly, I believe) decided that the pollen would make a great meal. I was happy to have the added bonus in the shot. I tried to get one capture with it flying/hovering, but it was not that cooperative (and refused any...
I found this green anole trying to hide behind a twig. I went into the house to get the camera and see if I could capture a few images (I nabbed a few with the phone camera I'll post later on). Slowly I approached trying to minimize any sudden moves. I got into position and set up for the...
The first appearance of the Carolina Green Anole lizard.
F/11, 1/250 second, ISO 800
It has been a long time since I got the camera out of its storage area. So long that I had to search through my extra batteries to get one that had enough charge to allow me to take the pic -- all...
Two male Carolina Green Anole lizards got into a turf battle.
The object of the battle decides to get a closer look at the contestants (maybe to cheer on her favorite)
After a draw at the "Battle of the Hose", round two was held on the wall. Where one of the lizards gained the upper...