10 Stop ND Long exposures - in full sunshine!

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Took a detour to La Jolla again today, with the B+W 10 stop ND filter, X-Pro1, and Induro CF CT213 super light tripod.

Unlike last time, the sun was out, with blue skies and a stiff sea breeze - no fog anywhere in sight!

Shot the same locations as last time - amazing how different they look with current bun shining down! :D

ISO200 on all shots - exposures around 10-20 secs.


Cave at La Jolla Cove


La Jolla Cove (With the tide coming in)


Sunbathers on the big rock


Crop from above shot - note the sunbathing seals chillin' on the top!


Frothing inlet


Looking back to La Jolla

New Induro CF tripod was a breeze to use (pun intended) - but I did detect some slight vibration in high winds. (It got pretty damn windy)

Will have a play with varying the leg extension and angle, and also adding a ballast weight (camera bag).

It's always a trade-off between weight and stability with tripods - and my aluminum Manfrotto is super stable, but weighs a bleepin' ton!

More testing required...
Lovely set, Chris.

I do like the effects people are getting with the big stoppers!
Thanks chaps :)

Red lines are Kayaks out in the bay Brian.

The 10 stop ND is a whole lot of fun

The tripod however went back today - too much vibration for long exposure shooting, AND I discovered that my local store had sold me the old version, with less load capacity, and less torsional rigidity :(

Bait and switch job by the salesman - but I got my money back in full, and while up in Pasadena for a meeting I popped into the store where I bought my X100 (Sammy's) - and picked up an Induro CT313

Much happier - cost more, but it's solid as a rock.

Well the 10ND certainly did the trick Chris. Glad you sorted the tripod too. These carbon jobs do an amazing job don't they. I've got a couple of Gitzo ones and one one tiny one in particular that fits in a Peli case along with a D3 and the TS lenses and a Mg offset head that I use on sites when there is a long way to carry stuff. Solid as a rock!
Wow, top shots chris!
So surreal like these are. It's the sort of thing you'd expect in photography to happen in twilight situations etc, but in full sun shine!! I do like it... Very much!