Or Donald Trump.Nice shot. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then it's probably an eider.![]()
No, Donald Trump looks like a clown and talks like a clown, so he can't be a duck.Or Donald Trump.![]()
What little I can make out from the markings makes me think it is a common eider, which, as I'm sure you know, a pretty common sea duck. Hence the "if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck" part of my comment. Even though eiders are sea ducks a few manage to make it to the Great Lakes occasionally. I've also observed them along the eastern seaboard of NA.No comment....
But I am puzzled by the eider, John. I think it is what we call an eidereend (so an eider duck).... It looks like a kind of international name, which is quite rare for animals....
Both... and... You are a botanist so I'll put it this way. An eider is to duck as a tulip is to lily. That's not a perfect analogy, but close enough.So, it's either a eider or a duck....
Did you know that ducks, unlike many other birds, do not have a crop? They do, however, eat crops, mainly grain. I'm not sure whether that means they should like 3200 ASA B&W film.Grain? Crop? Sounds like old film days...![]()
So now, after starting all of this with that provocative title, you are going to duck out.Well seeing all these remarks, I think I'll duck now![]()
Why bring sheep into it?I am just going to get the flock out of here ...
No, Donald Trump looks like a clown and talks like a clown, so he can't be a duck.