Back Flip

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
Well... I'm finished with seagulls in mid air. Time for one of a human doing the same. These lads were photographing each other as they jumped off this... er... thing. They even passed the camera around passers by on the sea front. All I had to do was sit and wait for a gap. You see some funny things on the coast... :)

Took me a few seconds before noticing the guy on his back on the floor. Looks like the back flip guy is in for a painful landing. Nice colours, as always.
Wonderful timing and composition as usual Lesley. You did have a productive day out didn't you?! :) By the way the blue thingy is for hauling fishing boats up the beach. I don't think any fish from Eastbourne any more but there are a few still in Bexhill-on-Sea just along the coast (where I lived for many years).
Lovely moment of capture - and the blue clothing just goes with the over all color palette of the scene perfectly

Definitely a 'you don't see that every day' moment! :D