Cambridge With Hp5 Film

Paul Lange

Using HP5 and Fuji GW645S. I must admit I don't think HP5 is my favourite film but I have 2 120 rolls to develop and will mix fresh chemicals and see if I can get less grain and maybe a denser negative. The whole roll came out quite thin all though they scanned OK. I wonder if for HP5 you really need to look for scenes that are high contrast in the first place?

by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
Nice - looks good to me.

What's the difference between the GW645S and my GS645S?
Thats the one. I have just developed another 2 rolls of HP5 and they look much denser. I think the batch I first used may have been a bit old either that or I managed to underexpose the film somehow but I doubt it. This time I wrote the date on the bottle when I mixed the ID11.
Thanks, Brian. Other than a bit of cropping due to straightening it is pretty much in its native aspect ratio and orientation. The camera has a portrait orientation which seems a little odd at first until you get used to it.
Great photograph, Paul. Love the tonality
Cheers Pete. i think the ID11 was probably more than 6 months but less than a year old. I suspect that I used it with the intention of reusing it to develop more film shortly afterwards but the shortly afterwards ended up being around 3 months by which time I had forgotten that I had used it!