Car Graveyard....and mummy! :)

i love looking through 28 DL loads of inspiration, loads of amazing photos & a bunch of member's most of which had real bad attitudes towards new members, i just so need to visit some of them places one day, although i would be $hitting myself lol.

As for these photos wow amazing stuff...........really great works (as usual)
If you want to start a haloween theme, do it!! I dunno why I'm expected to start em all ;)

I'm just trying to think a an idea to start one with.... hhmmmm... maybe I'll do a self portrait. lol :p
That'll be it then Dan, can I download a copy to put on my front door to keep unwanted visitors away Huhuhuh :D
i love looking through 28 DL loads of inspiration, loads of amazing photos & a bunch of member's most of which had real bad attitudes towards new members, i just so need to visit some of them places one day, although i would be $hitting myself lol.

As for these photos wow amazing stuff...........really great works (as usual)

Just had a lead to a site in evesham, I posted my 3rd comment on there asking if there was anyone interested joining, you know, getting to know people, maybe edge some people this way etc, then Boom!! Attitude to new member syndrome kicks in just as you stated, and there are many other people new on there too who've have a dig at...
What a bunch of ****ing wankers!! Glad I can always rely on this place for constructivity and manners. Quite ****** about that really. Sorry to go off subject.
"Once a bellend, always a bellend IMHO" - great quote from someone on PH! :D :D :D