Hi guys,
I am a new member and I would like to offer few insights from the newbie perspective and my personal experience. I shall restrain from replying to all posts, but would like to address some point from the original post by
@Tom Dunne. I hope this might shed a bit of light on the issue.
First of all, this forum is the best forum I have joined. The quality of the content is (IMHO) unrivalled and (active) members are very enthusiastic, helpful and honest.
All the posts in Meet and Greet make for interesting reading. We have welcomed a healthy volume of new members in a short space of time, many of whom seemed to expressed their appreciation of our warm welcome and the quality of the photography. I can't help but wonder how vibrant this forum might be if even half of them decided to follow up on their initial introduction and participated even in a small way.
So, is there any particular reason for this. Is it something we need to think about and perhaps even address in some way or just continue to maintain the status quo?
To paraphrase, the question is "Why do you join the forum if you don't contribute?". Here are two factors can be identified: "Why don't you post any new photos?" and "Why don't you comment?".
As for the first one, some people just join when looking for inspiration and some can be quite scared off to post some photos, because the standards are quite high, in my opinion. I have posted my photos, but I have also struggled a lot until I pushed myself to do it. So yes, it is unfortunate for the forum when the new members are not posting their photos but maybe they just need some time and maybe they will never post anything.
As for the second one, it was answered in part but I would like to offer an additional reason. I don't have the statistics nor the overview of the new members, but as for a non-native speaker it can be intimidating to post something to a thread where you don't understand the english which is being used. I am arrogant/dumb enough to believe that I can understand english also in its finer nuances, but I find some threads to be very difficult to follow. For me personally it makes it even more interesting and in my opinion it gives the forum and its users a face.

So please do not try to change it, but it might be a reason.
At the moment the forum is kept active by a small number of members who upload images and respond to the work of other members on a regular basis.
There are also members who upload their work for comment but who, for whatever reason, do not feel a need to join in and reciprocate.
In my experience (being a member of international non-profit organisation with 40+ years of history), it is a nature of the beast. For many people internet forum is a free time activity, you want to be active but then life gets in the way. I am sorry, but I don't think that this will change and I don't think that removing inactive users would improve things.
A vibrant community we are not.
I would like to concur, I observe a forum with new quality content every day, with a core of users who are always there for you and are extremely knowledgeable. This is not common.
I hope this helps a bit.