Critique Welcomed Checking The Waves

Brian Moore

A common scene where surfers gather: Checking what the waves are like first.

Huntington Beach, California.

Canon EOS 750 and expired Fuji 200 film that I had converted to Redscale.

This camera may be my cheap camera contest camera. I picked it up a while back at a thrift store for about 10 dollars. Body only.

This intrigued me on Flickr and went hunting, looking for this type of development. None the wiser really. I do like the subtle colours and the contrast between the muddy and clarity from the whites and lighter area. Very different and clever.
This intrigued me on Flickr and went hunting, looking for this type of development. None the wiser really. I do like the subtle colours and the contrast between the muddy and clarity from the whites and lighter area. Very different and clever.
Thanks Julian. Development is normal C41. The difference is that the film is loaded backwards into the canister so that you are actually shooting each image through the back of the film. The film I used was expired stuff that someone gave me and I think this did not help the look. I overexposed the film by 2 stops and I thought I would get a lighter tone, more in the yellows than browns. I attribute what I got to color shift or other deterioration of the emulsion, which expired in 1996. (I had to do a bit of manipulation in Lightroom--contrast, vibrance, and one or two other sliders--to get the result you see.)
Thanks Julian. Development is normal C41. The difference is that the film is loaded backwards into the canister so that you are actually shooting each image through the back of the film. The film I used was expired stuff that someone gave me and I think this did not help the look. I overexposed the film by 2 stops and I thought I would get a lighter tone, more in the yellows than browns. I attribute what I got to color shift or other deterioration of the emulsion, which expired in 1996. (I had to do a bit of manipulation in Lightroom--contrast, vibrance, and one or two other sliders--to get the result you see.)
Interesting Brian.
I like the browns Brian. It actually looks like a hand coloured sepia mono to me. Love the way the whites shine through though. I also the like the elements of the composition very much. The two walls in front the figure and his position in the frame and the way he is balanced by the two camper vans (?).
Thanks a lot Pete. Actually those "camper vans" are lifeguard trucks. In this area those are the only vehicles allowed on the sand. Thanks again, Pete.