Got chatting to an Enduro rider a couple of days ago. Took this photo prior to a conversation. A serious rider who'd won a few big competitions. Asked his name so I could google and add info to the pic. Five minutes after leaving I forgot his name. The fisherman is Bob
Lovely stuff Julian. B&W works well here and really keeps the attention on the rider and Bob. And I like that they are looking out to sea; one gazing and the other more business-like. Nice.
Thanks Pete, the fisherman was an accident. I had the camera on the tripod, with a timer, plus me messing about , he walked into the scene un-noticed to myself.
Yes, it did tell me though how unobservant I can be at times. I have before come home with decent images because I had captured something not realising at the time.
This is the pic that I was concious about taking, I then often take a second which is the first one posted, or visa versa in timeline.
NO WAY!!! Was that not Jude's Restaurant in the background? Which is now 2 shops I see?? Lol.
When we stopped down there, I remember that bench being rammed with people on there and a seagull flew over and drop a huge load across at least 6 pensioners........... Nature can be harsh sometimes...
It was literally after I took this shot...