Filter Advice, Please

Take a photo with a filter, then without ... It's up to you to decide!
I stopped using filters after I started using a Nikon 17-55 2.8 lens. Awesome bit of kit, but I wasn't get as good results with one of the low profile Hoya hmc filters.
I'm one of the pro filter brigade. A good filter from a reputable company isn't cheap glass. I've seen very expensive lenses on a new Leica camera produce images so sharp you feel as though you could cut your eyeballs from looking at them. (Not in this forum I might add). And of course, all lenses come with their various good and bad points. I would rather know these and avoid the latter while protecting equipment that I can neither afford to replace, or it is (like my 76 year old 5cm Summar) irreplaceable :)
I'd be concerned about the quality of the transparent material tbh Pete, I wouldn't want it negatively effecting people's photos
I've done away with protective filters and lens-lids - I just put my lenses, lens-down, in my billingham bag, and call it a day
Great, we certainly know how to nail our jellies to the wall on RPF.

BTW, I don't use filters, preferring to use lens hoods as I found that my filter had an obvious detrimental effect on image quality. However, I have no experience of the more expensive filters.