First Published Vid

Mathew Growcoot

Well-Known Member
So at our place, the bosses got us Nikon D3s' with the view to start doing more video, I've done quite a few now and I'm really starting to enjoy it.
Videos important to the photography world and if your thinking about pursuing photography as a career, its worth learning something about video as you will find it will come in handy, good to see a video section on this forum.
This was a few weeks back now but I thought I'd share it as it was my first video published, I realise there are a few mistakes on there but I've done a few more since and learn something everytime. Enjoy!
(there my pics too)
Good yer, quite simple with excellent results
yep (wouldnt tell from some of the out of focus shots on that vid)
its low rez anyway ... looked ok to me
im not to sure about video slrs, i wouldnt buy one because it did have video, but i wouldnt not buy one if it did either ... i have video on my gf1, but if im honest i have only used it once or twice to film the cats dicking around :)
I really like it man, because the lenses for the dslrs are so much better than the video ones, I think they look much better, shooting stuff on 2.8 is immense!
I know video guys who are raving about the 5d, you know they film house on them
I really like it man, because the lenses for the dslrs are so much better than the video ones, I think they look much better, shooting stuff on 2.8 is immense!
I know video guys who are raving about the 5d, you know they film house on them
its amazing isnt it...
its not just the lenses ... its the sensor size ... my old video camera went down to f1.x something i think, but the sensor was small so the dof was big ... video dslrs are def quite awesome beasts