First time.

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Something so simple can be so exciting for a child, like a bus ride for example.

It's only taken three years to get on the bus with the kids.
Shows how dependent we are on our own transport these days! lol

P4220708 by dajoolzcat, on Flickr

Thanks for looking :)
Thanks Pete,
She didn't know where to look, and as kids do they just want to venture around place. So she was contained in the push chair for the journey. lol

Need to add a boarder on this one I think

P4220707 by dajoolzcat, on Flickr
If its anything like my niece it wasnt the too reliant on our own transport and more like embarrass the f**k out of me n someone I know might see :D:D:D:D

O and great shot DD
They are both excellent - the first has that great connection with the eyes looking at you

The second has that lovely wetness in the eyes, and those huge eyelashes - wonderful.

Did you use a red filter in PP on #2?
Thanks chris

I used a preset called 'creamtone' and darkened the exposure by 1 stop. Done! :)