Gimp, UF Raw and Linux

Stan Hesketh

Well-Known Member
I am too mean and destitute to finance Microsoft, so have been a Linux Ubuntu user for some time now (on a discrded PC that was too slow with windows; a whole stroy in itself! ) I could use Photoshop via Wine, but am using the free Gimp and UFRaw programmes as I discover the world of digital editing (only ever used Picassa in the past.) I am finding it fairly straight forward with this software, and wondered if anybody else used it or similar? I would also welcome any tips on same :)
Many thanks.
Stan I have tried to use it on windows. I think it is the best open software but I have used Adobe for so long it is something I know well and am comfortable with so carry on doing so. If it came to it I'd choose Gimp as a secondary program.
I also love Open Office which to me is far far better then Microsoft Office.. That is an open source platform that exceeds the paid and licensed equivalent.
Thank you for replies. I am still in the learning stages, but so far it all appears to do what I need it to do. Should I need to I could always put something more advanced on my wife's Windows based computer, so that might be an option.

I too have toyed with the Gimp on Linux Mint, having also played around with a "back up copy" of Photoshop, and my own (purchased) copy of Elements when using Windoze...

I found Gimp to be just as powerful, if a little less intuitive to use, however, they were all just a bittie too complicated for my needs, and I eventually went the Lightroom route, which I have now transferred over to my Mac...!
Thanks Douglas, I have heard good things about Lightroom. Not much experience with Macs but my son will use nothing else. Absolutely loves his.
I had Linux Mint on a previous desktop computer and it was brilliant! I also like Ubuntu very much too which is my current software. I also have a soft spot for Xubuntu which I used for ages on a low spec laptop and it actually worked very well indeed.