Gold Ear Ring

Darren Turner

To Match Her new Hoodie :o :D


I like this too and I want one but I'm waiting for the in depth Review from our X10 tester :D
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I like this too and I want one but I'm waiting for the in depth Review from our X10 tester :D

Just a thought as yuou can get these with Leica, etc etched across the top wonder if ~Hamish would stretch to providing all us X users with one with RPF etched across the top, now that would be good :D
yes its a soft release button, I have big hands & fat fingers lol, so i find it to be brilliant & useful addition as well as looking blingish.

I had noticed red ones elsewhere there turned out to be plastic which i was unsure if i liked that idea. The only metal ones i could find for cheap cheap £6.90 delivered (ebay) was this gold one or i think they did a silver one.

These buttons fit all cams with screw thread shutter release button. But the diameter of the button top actual varies. For the fuji X10 11mm is pretty dam perfect , if it was 14 mm which is another popular size, then it "May" get in the way of the dial on top next door. so bear this in mind if you get one.

They do the plastic ones in many colours and designs with various logos like Leica & similar, i couldn't find a Fuji one

I defo recommend one, it makes locating shutter button really easy especially for those with bigger hands. It also feel more like a button that what we already have on the X10

Darren, you could also try the technique of resting the tip of your finger on the mode dial (speed dial on many manual cameras) and tripping the shutter with the next pad down on your finger. This makes it less of a press and has been likened to the gentle squeezing of the trigger of a gun and gives a smoother action and allows you to shoot at lower shutter speeds. More sort of straightening out the finger than pressing, if you see what I mean. Seems to work. Give it a go and see what you think.
That's proper gangsta Daz - Excellent! :)
Agree with Pete re technique - I love the feel it gives to the shutter release
hmm wonder if i could make some of these :) Might take it to work today and find out what the thread is and see what machine is spare. Im sure theres some half hard brass on at moment that could work or stainless :D:D:D
Yep, was about to say the same Pete - tapered thread to allow it to fit the many variations of thread size on models of cameras.

Apparently it's not a standard!

Then you can look at a concave or convex profile button - there are supporters for both formats
I sense a little experimenting taking place soon. Looking on webby it seems its a weird size but along lines of M3.2 x 0.5 pitch. No one seems sure of taper tho but thats not a problem can experiment a wee bit as the threading cycle allows adjustable tapering :D:D:D
I sense a little experimenting taking place soon. Looking on webby it seems its a weird size but along lines of M3.2 x 0.5 pitch. No one seems sure of taper tho but thats not a problem can experiment a wee bit as the threading cycle allows adjustable tapering :D:D:D

Am i right in saying that we may just have our own RPF exclusive Soft release trigger button maker right here on this very thread :-)