Greetings from NW England

Welcome Louise! I live in the Pacific Northwest of the USA (Oregon) and acquired a number of film cameras over the last year and developed b&w again for the first time in 50 years.

I much prefer digital and I'm happy if my shots are in focus and not blurry.
Good evening,

I'm new here. I live in a NW England town famous for rugby and glass.

I am a dslr user, I'm afraid I never got on with film - too impatient, probably!

I'm strictly an amateur, I enjoy shooting landscapes and wildlife mainly.

Welcome to the forum @Louise Arnold. I happily joined it less than one year ago. You have to be prepared to discover a forum that is a little different from the usual ones: as far as I can tell, the important thing here is to be yourself. When you want to share some photos of yours with us, I'd love to see them. I too am an amateur and I don't care what DSLR means, every photo is a photo, regardless of the technology used to bring it to life.