Greetings from NW England

Welcome Louise! I live in the Pacific Northwest of the USA (Oregon) and acquired a number of film cameras over the last year and developed b&w again for the first time in 50 years.

I much prefer digital and I'm happy if my shots are in focus and not blurry.
Welcome, Louise. Nothing wrong with being a DSLR user or an amateur. Looking forward to seeing some of your landscapes and wildlife.
Good evening,

I'm new here. I live in a NW England town famous for rugby and glass.

I am a dslr user, I'm afraid I never got on with film - too impatient, probably!

I'm strictly an amateur, I enjoy shooting landscapes and wildlife mainly.

Welcome to the forum @Louise Arnold. I happily joined it less than one year ago. You have to be prepared to discover a forum that is a little different from the usual ones: as far as I can tell, the important thing here is to be yourself. When you want to share some photos of yours with us, I'd love to see them. I too am an amateur and I don't care what DSLR means, every photo is a photo, regardless of the technology used to bring it to life.
Oops. I hit post too soon. Yes, welcome Louise. I am a newbie here also. I'm still getting my feet wet with all this so join in the fun. I live in the Dallas, Ft.Worth region of Texas but my roots are in the flat cotton fields of West Texas near Lubbock. We all have something in common though and that's our interest in photography be it film, digital or whatever.