Hello From Las Vegas

Bobby Deal

Well-Known Member
Hello all, my name is Bobby Deal I am a full time glamour, fashion and commercial photographer based out of the ever exciting Las Vegas Nv.

I shoot as wide of variety of subjects as anyone you will ever meet but would have to say if I had to pick one specialty it would be people. In studio or on location I am perfectly comfortable Fashion, glamour, head shots, portraits, models, families, men, women, children I do it all with one firm exception. I do not do Weddings.

I have posted a few samples in the Nude forum and will add a few fashion, product and portrait shots soon.

I should warn you that I tend to offer a lot of critique and I tend to gop well beyond the one line critique.
I teach small group workshops every week here in Vegas, averaging 45 classes per year on working with people in the studio.

I like the idea that this is a real name community and I look forward to getting to know you all.

Hi Brian, I have posted several samples to get things started.
I moved to Las Vegas from the OC my last home there was in Newport but I lived all over South County
Welcome on board Bobby - will be out your way on Wed

Love visiting, can't imagine what it's like to actually live in LV?

Looking forward to seeing more of your images, and sharing in the discussion
Welcome on board Bobby - will be out your way on Wed

Love visiting, can't imagine what it's like to actually live in LV?

Looking forward to seeing more of your images, and sharing in the discussion
Hi Chris, for the most part living in Las Vegas is like living anywhere else. As a local when we think of Las Vegas we think of the city that covers a whole valley and has 2million or so people living in it. When you think of Las Vegas you think of a 3 mile strip of road filled with Casinos and Hotels that serve as an adult Disneyland where people come to do all the things they would never do at home. As locals we tend to stay off the strip unless going to dinner or a show or we have company in town that wants to go play for a bit.
Hello all, my name is Bobby Deal I am a full time glamour, fashion and commercial photographer based out of the ever exciting Las Vegas Nv.

I shoot as wide of variety of subjects as anyone you will ever meet but would have to say if I had to pick one specialty it would be people. In studio or on location I am perfectly comfortable Fashion, glamour, head shots, portraits, models, families, men, women, children I do it all with one firm exception. I do not do Weddings.

I have posted a few samples in the Nude forum and will add a few fashion, product and portrait shots soon.

I should warn you that I tend to offer a lot of critique and I tend to gop well beyond the one line critique.
I teach small group workshops every week here in Vegas, averaging 45 classes per year on working with people in the studio.

I like the idea that this is a real name community and I look forward to getting to know you all.


Hi Bobby,

Welcome to the forum! I thought you message through the contact form was a notification of a private message on here so after I read it I deleted it expecting to be able to reply on here ... Its been a long day! :) As you said though, get stuck in! You wont need a trade membership to promote your teaching!

With regards to critique, fill your boots! Most here are thick skinned and take critique very much as it is intended! We do have a lot of people who are quite relaxed about their photography though and whilst critique is always acknowledged, its sometimes falls on apathetic (that maybe unfair) ears ... its just the way we seem to have developed as a community! For some reason this seems to get some of the critical members of the past in a little bit of a faff ...

Here is an example - critical commenting on a photo and a nonplussed response - http://realphotographersforum.com/forum/threads/wedding-party.14008/

I mention this, not by any stretch to dissuade you from commenting critically, just to make you a little more aware of the way we seem to roll! (and because I dont want to have to deal with that sort of fall out again :))

Personally, if I had my way, we would be more critical more often ... maybe you will be a catalyst in that happening ... maybe not ... either way ... as I say, welcome!!

Thanks Rob, I have poked around a little. It looks like this is still a young community.

June 2010 we kicked off ... but we are still, thankfully (if i'm honest) a nice small community!
Hi Bobby,

Welcome to the forum! I thought you message through the contact form was a notification of a private message on here so after I read it I deleted it expecting to be able to reply on here ... Its been a long day! :) As you said though, get stuck in! You wont need a trade membership to promote your teaching!

With regards to critique, fill your boots! Most here are thick skinned and take critique very much as it is intended! We do have a lot of people who are quite relaxed about their photography though and whilst critique is always acknowledged, its sometimes falls on apathetic (that maybe unfair) ears ... its just the way we seem to have developed as a community! For some reason this seems to get some of the critical members of the past in a little bit of a faff ...

Here is an example - critical commenting on a photo and a nonplussed response - http://realphotographersforum.com/forum/threads/wedding-party.14008/

I mention this, not by any stretch to dissuade you from commenting critically, just to make you a little more aware of the way we seem to roll! (and because I dont want to have to deal with that sort of fall out again :))

Personally, if I had my way, we would be more critical more often ... maybe you will be a catalyst in that happening ... maybe not ... either way ... as I say, welcome!!

June 2010 we kicked off ... but we are still, thankfully (if i'm honest) a nice small community!

Yea Hammish, wow first off that is the most timid example of such a situation I could ever imagen. If that is your idea of fallout then it must really be quiet around here.

No worries though my idea on critique is that I offer it as a means to share my personal experience and to try and teach. A person either accepts that critique or they don't. They are always free to take what they need and leave the rest behind. If I get contrary respionse to a critique you won't find me debating it. Debate is not an effective means to educational discussion. If someone rejects a critique, is ambivalent towards otr or simply does not acknowledge it I will move on and invest the time I have to offer critique to those who actually want them. I am not on this earth to try and change anyone mind and I fully believe that artistic expression is a personal state of mind. I am a very technical type of photographer but I also understand that emotional content will often trump technical content so I am not a rules Opie!. If an image works it works and just because it does or does not work for someone else is not a situation I am inclined to invest in argument for. Time is the most valuable commodity I have and the last thing I want to do is waste it arguing or debating with someone to try and forcue them to my way of thinking.