
Mark Amies

Trade Member: Photomart

I have just joined.

My name is Mark Amies, and I am the Sales Manager at Photomart. Some of you guys may know me or the company I work for ( well I hope so!).

Prior to staring at Photomart , in 2004, I had been working in photo agencies- Camera Press Ltd, Rex Features to name but 2.

Nice to be here.
Thanks. Well, as I said, my job is a Sales Manager in supply. I do take photos, but it ain't my profession.

I will have a shufty and see if I can put one of me 'snaps' up
Well I am sure the ranks will swell as you go along, word of mouth is a wonderful thing , and it looks like Hamish is doing well, cos I am here!!
Hi Mark!
I'll tend to your issues with the user profile when I get home later ... Having a bit of a mad day with one thing and another!
We are still quiet, the forum especially had been a little quiet over the last week!
Lots of readers though as we have been concentrating on making interesting stuff for the ezine a bit really

I'm always fairly steadily trying to raise the profile of the place but I don't want a huge influx of people... We just want a slow steady rate of people joining whilst we are still making sure everything works properly etc!
You would think we would have it working swimmingly after nearly a year ... I'm beginning to realise that it will always require some tlc ...
Anyway, I'm rambling a bit!
Welcome to the forum!
Don't forget to pop in to the "trade advertisement" forum and tell us a bit about your company!

As for posting pictures, this should help
Welcome Mark - looks like you have a warehouse full of interesting stuff nat your disposal! LOL

You'll find a great bunch of folks here - who could probably benefit from your services
Thanks guys, all seems very friendly and above board here. I am a member of quite a few forums already, and it seems one of the better ones.