Image Size within a Post

Tony Rook

Active Member
Hi all -

I'm new to the forum and have just tried to post a few images, but the are inserted as a thumbnails that members have to click on to see.

Can anybody tell me how I should be uploading my pictures so they are large in the threads?


Tony Rook
I have been uploading images , then clicking the option to show full size and it was working fine. It does not except larger images, I got some rejected last night over 1.5mb. But I had tried to post the wrong size, they are usually well below that. All
this was starting a thread. I have posted an image ok in a reply, by using 'more options' tab. The only other oddity, is if posting I changed my mind and, reinserted the images as a thumb nail, from full image, both the thumb nail
and full image posted. No big deal though.
On a couple of occasions, posting a new thread I've uploaded images at the start, of creating a thread, which is fine.

In preview they have come up as thumb nails as is meant to be.

I've then changed my mind deciding to post, not as thumb nails, but as full size images.

So click the tab provided to preview full size images, which is given as a choice.

Looking again at the preview prior to posting, which shows the full images ready to be posted all looks as is correct, with full size images only.

Then I click the 'create thread' post and it was showing the Full images plus the small thumb nails.

The oddity being I did not ask it to post the thumb nails, only the full size images.

It did this last night in a post where I then went back edited it by deleting it all, then starting from scratch, as it was posting both thumb nails and full size images.

The system for me works fine to post either full size images , or thumb nails. What it cannot seem to do, is from the thread creating page, revert back, or change the layout once started.

Not being very literate in web design Hamish it may not be clear what I have experienced.Yet I've never struggled to link or post in the past and the site has behaved very well. There is something
that is happening that is not quite as it aught to be.

The other thing. When the I have posted where both the thumb nails and full images post together. the formatting of the post has changed.

Such as; the written words , some stay at he top some go to the bottom.It split the sentences.

I know this can be initiated by where the cursor was left when compiling a post, but I did take care.

It could be my browser? Chrome
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The same things happen to's not browser related as I use Chrome and Firefox. I just delete the pic with the delete button and start over. It's a little quirk in the software.
These sort of quirks we just have to live with I think ... An upgrade to the software might solve it, but even then, the wysiwyg editors are often licensed in and bring their own troubles to the developers ... It's a bit of a hard one to comment on productively really
You can actually drag and drop an image from Flickr into the edit window on the forum - it does the whole thing for you regarding the HTML

I'm dragging a small image on Flickr, from another window, over now, and dropping it below...
