In the company of a Rebel.

Ralph Turner

Well-Known Member
I came across a little Canon EOS Rebel XS when on one of my sadly habitual wanders around the 'Bay, rummaging in the bargain basement bin a while back. Can't remember if it was 'buy it now' or a lucky bid. Anyway, a fiver + p&p bagged it. Very light, quite plasticy (even the lens mount) but with a fairly decent spec. The only issues I've had with it are a sticky grip (common with these cue age degradation of the grippy coating on it) and the occasionally unresponsive jog wheel up by the shutter button... oh, and it reeked of cheap perfume. The first issue was solved by carefully removing the goo with IPA (though this has left the grip a bit slippery). The second one I can live with, as it does behave after a few jiggles. Other than that, it's a good'n. Recently I obtained a battery grip for it so I can use standard AA size batteries. It also gives my fat fingers a better grip.

My first outing with it was with a roll of Kentmere 400 (only my second roll of the stuff) and a Tokina 19-35 zoom. This latter has had a bit of a hard life, dropping onto a granite floor from a height of about 3 feet. It's never been the same since: auto-manual focus switch snapped off, leaving it stuck in auto, and a zoom barrel that now has a stiff mid-point in it's travel. Miraculously, though, the optics seem to have survived the trauma, as (manual focus notwithstanding) it still delivers the goods.

Camera scanned with Panasonic GX1 and Meyer Lydith 30mm f3.5 mounted on modded Durst M607.

(Disclaimer - if I've posted any of this b4 I apologise🥴😏)
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I thought the Rebel series were digital, so I’m surprised by these beautiful film shots. I’m really impressed. Were you using an internal exposure meter, or a hand-held? I ask because they look really well exposed (to my liking). And the Kentmere has come up with the goods again. A very pleasant quartet of images, Ralph.
Many thanks, Rob. I'm not an expert on their range, but I think there were a few analogue rebels before (and maybe for a time in parallel with) their digital cousins. Having the 'Rebel' badge and not the UK '500' label, I wonder how it found it's way over the big pond. Metering wise, it's just the onboard meter, most likely set to centre weighted, though I wouldn't like to say for sure, may have been evaluative (it also has partial, but I don't think I've used that, yet). One un-nerving thing when I was first out n about with it was how quiet it is. There's a quiet, dull thud of the mirror and whirr of the motor snd that's it. I was worried the shutter wasn't firing. Luckily my fears were unfounded. All in all a nice little camera. I saw one on the 'Bay yesterday for £3.99. Don't know if it works, but at that price. I was nearly tempted, but I've got two already. The battery grip came with a body, the later 500N in silver (better spec) but I think that one has an issue with torque sensing or something on advancing the film. Last roll only got 33/36 frames before it threw in the towel. Shame.
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Here they are, with the grip. When it has the 40mm pancake attached, it makes for a very lightweight, easy to carry combo.


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Canon EOS Rebel XS
Interesting. Like Rob, I thought it was digital. I even looked it up!
Weird that they reused the name...

Very nice shots Ralph!
Glad the Tokina lives on.
Yes, it is. I got my last bottle from Amazon.
I get it from Jaycar, here, a chain that stocks electronic and electrical components. It's used for cleaning stuff in those circles too! I also use for lens cleaning actually...
Well, I'm sorry chaps. I succumbed. Do I need it? No. Could I resist it in the end? No. Ah well....
£3.99 didn't seem too bad (just the body, not the lens. It appears to work ok, although the flash needs a little gentle encouragement to pop up, but it fires. The shutter seems ok and even the foam seals and mirror damper are still spongy. The only thing I've found so far is a thin layer of grime on the mirror. Hopefully, if I'm very careful, I can clean it off without leaving any noticeable marks.


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Well, I'm sorry chaps. I succumbed. Do I need it? No. Could I resist it in the end? No. Ah well....
£3.99 didn't seem too bad (just the body, not the lens. It appears to work ok, although the flash needs a little gentle encouragement to pop up, but it fires. The shutter seems ok and even the foam seals and mirror damper are still spongy. The only thing I've found so far is a thin layer of grime on the mirror. Hopefully, if I'm very careful, I can clean it off without leaving any noticeable marks.

Thanks, gents. At this stage, of course, it might still turn out to be a dud when I run a film through it. Anyway, fingers crossed. I'm guessing it's their lack of 'street cred' or something that's the reason for their cheap price. There are a surprising number of similar cameras not just from Canon, but Minolta, Pentax etc. That go for a song. All quite capable, just a bit plasticky. Maybe the cost of the glass to go with it is a factor. For anyone looking to try film out though, I would have thiught they'd be a good option.
Thanks, gents. At this stage, of course, it might still turn out to be a dud when I run a film through it. Anyway, fingers crossed. I'm guessing it's their lack of 'street cred' or something that's the reason for their cheap price. There are a surprising number of similar cameras not just from Canon, but Minolta, Pentax etc. That go for a song. All quite capable, just a bit plasticky. Maybe the cost of the glass to go with it is a factor. For anyone looking to try film out though, I would have thiught they'd be a good option.

In my family it is my wife who has the credit card. I don't want to have it because I think I would spend crazy money on camera equipment and other things (well over £3.99).
I've had a go at the mirror. I used cotton buds, first with ipa, then a little Koh (dilute potassium hydoxide). The ipa didn't do a lot, but the Koh worked reasonsbly well, though still a little smeary. When I tried a lens on, the auto focus could still be a touch hesitant. I then tried a digital sensor swab with the supplied fluid. That seemed to work much better. Although a little smeary towards the edges, the critical semi-silvered area in the middle is pretty clean now and the focussing is much more assured. Just need time for that roll o' film now..