Lomography Chris, cheap cameras - "diana" "smemna-8" "lomo l-ca" "holga" to name a few mass produced in china and Russia made popular by thier poor quality lenses and bad light sealing that often produce high contrast bright images. Made popular by the "shoot from the hip" style of photography where the "photographer" doesn't actually look through the view finder promoted by "Lomography.com" a place where you can buy remakes of these cameras for highly overinflated prices... made ever more popular by countless iPhone apps that reproduce the effect. I quite like it, although it is getting a touch cliched now by over use...
I like some of these cheap cameras for thier softness,and low contrast, hence my modification of the chiaka lens to fit on my Epson r-d1 - but that wouldn't be so popular with the lomo people as it doesn't have he bight high contrast feel of the likes of the holga lens ... And of course my r-d1/gf1 don't leak light