Invisible Man

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I'm not even sure this classifies as people photography, but there is a person in there somewhere. My last post for today as I'm off to bed. Typical - one of our elderly cats was full of beans last night, but decidedly off colour during the day. He had a bit to eat earlier, but I decided to take him to the vet tomorrow anyway. I worry myself sick over them and I now have a thumping headache. He seems back to normal and is now standing on my mouse mat... :D

Ooo that's mighty spooky Lesley - love the tones and textures as well
I've got to ask... How did this photo come about ...
You can't just post a photo of somone without a head then witter on about your cat and get away without having to answer some questions ;):D

Glad to hear your cat is feeling better!

We buried one of our chickens last night ... Poor thing ... Still i think we made her later life a happy one!
How did it come about? I was walking along the South Bank (no suprise there then) and this guy was doing his act. It was a couple of years ago and I haven't seen him since. It's probably because I avoid London in the summer like the proverbial plague.

Sorry to hear about your chicken Hamish. Their little personalities really get to you. We're picking up another four on Sunday, but they can't source ex-batteries in the South East any more. These girls are ex free rangers, but would go for slaughter anyway.

We're still waiting to see how Jasper cat gets on. He is 19 now and I trapped him as a feral kitten. He's brightened up and is eating well today, but the vet says he has lost a lot of weight. If he isn't sick for the next 24 hours, then it was probably just an infection, but otherwise we have to drop him back to the vet on our way to work in the morning for further investigation...
Hang on, he's the Invisible Man, but you haven't seen him in a while.... :D