Junk photography

Laurence Cremetti

Well-Known Member
Anyone interested in a little game?

I'm taking on some "junk photography" self tests, to see if I can do something with nothing.
I've just uploaded the first one, and am curious to know if anyone is interested. Incidentally, it omits to say in "equipment used" that I did in fact use a small led torch.
Here's the link:
The Jar Project

Can anyone explain "trackbacks" to me, btw, please?
Thank you. I almost understand now. My wesite asked me to approve a trackback from here, so I did................
So, anyway. Here is the junk picture project:
The rules are:
Pick a mundane object, (or related objects), in your immediate location.
No lighting other than window light
No flash
Maximum 2 hours
Post the same day as you created the image.
jar project.jpg