low tide at sunrise

Beth Carter

Well-Known Member
sunrise this morning at woodland beach. it was low tide and i made it all the way down the boat ramp (or stumbled on what was left at the bottom, mostly rebar) and another 3 feet on sand before getting my feet wet. and it was freezing cold. 40s, but wind chill put it in the single digits and damp on top of that. the toys stayed in the bag and after 10 minutes i was back in the car. wanted to use the nd filter and do some longer exposures but i couldn't get it on the filter or the filter on the camera, my fingers were numb after putting the tripod foot on the camera.

That's dedication Beth - love the texture you have captured in the sand and the rocks

The color palette is very pastel and calming
Very nice Beth...color and comp is excellant. What I love most about living by the ocean is that it is ever changing. Take one shot...go back in an hour and everything has changed.
Beautiful, Beth! The diagonal wave impressions on the sand from the bottom left leading up the water line, and the clouds that open up like stage curtains for a new day, and the flying seagull delivers a message. :)
I'll second all the previous comments. Love the ripples and rocks. Very pleasing comp.
you have a habit of making pictures I would like to be in, thank you
thanks everyone.

you have a habit of making pictures I would like to be in, thank you

send me a photo of yourself, i'll gladly put you in.

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Beautiful, Beth! The diagonal wave impressions on the sand from the bottom left leading up the water line, and the clouds that open up like stage curtains for a new day, and the flying seagull delivers a message. :)

i paid the seagull very well. actually i almost removed it in lr because i thought it was a dust spot.
thanks everyone.

send me a photo of yourself, i'll gladly put you in.

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i paid the seagull very well. actually i almost removed it in lr because i thought it was a dust spot.

I wouldn't dream of ruining such a fabulous photo by having me in it