My Collection of Cameras

Milan Vjestica

Well-Known Member
As I promised Hamish, these were also taken with my daughters D100 using my 18-70mm!

Hamish, there is not much chance of me going back to film. I gave all my film stock away to some bloke...........
I have that exact brownie!
That ikon Is a beauty!
I have a later version of that camera that I must do a write up on!

I still have some of that film, loads of it in cameras at the mo, I'm going to be spending a few quid in max speilman soon!!
Nice collection there Milan. Actually that reminds me that I have an old Ikon somewhere that Ina bought. The shutter has seized though but is has the brown leather case on in nice condition which is what attracted her to it. She also bought a leather filter box case (no filters) that she uses to carry earrings etc in when traveling!!

I also have the current Ikon. Made by Cosina for Zeiss. Nice camera and I use it as a backup / additional bodies to my MP and M6.
I've been reading a little about seized shutters of late, I keep seeing comments about using lighter fluid to release them but I can't really work out what you are supposed to do with it ... Any ideas Pete?
Yes, you are effectively using it as a solvent to remove old oil / grease that might be causing the diaphragm to stick. So you need to strip the shutter out of the lens first. However, trichloroethylene (trich - ask Tom he might be able to get you some from the engineering shop, or ask an electronic engineer as it's used as a de-greaser prior to soldering sometimes) would be better. Once it is de-greased / cleaned you can then use a tiny amount of watch or sewing machine oil on the mechanism and re-assemble. Don't get any solvent on the lens elements though as you might damage the adhesive used between elements etc (and any coatings if there are any).
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If its a bit difficult to dismantle the camera your your not confident doing it you can also try warming the camera up. If you have a hot water cylinder on top of that may be a good start otherwise wait until winter and leave it on a raditator for a few hours. With a bit of luck this will soften any dried grease and allow you to free the shutter. Of course this will knacker any film if there's any inside.
When I look at the Brownie, I see Mickey Mouse! ;)

What sort of age are we talking about for these two cameras then, any idea?
The whole lot!

One for every day of the week.

The Ikon has a brown cloth case, manual and a few filters in a plastic case. Not sure where or how the filters are used.
