My first roll from the blad...

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
... Came out completely blank because I loaded the film wrong
I'm such an idiot sometimes

Your just going to have to imagine the 12 greatest photos you have ever seen ... Because obviously they would have been had I not been a massive plonker!

I'm so disappointed in my self!!

Oh well at least its not because the camera is a duff as my first thoughts told me when I saw nothing!!

Big Christmas DOH!!!
Doh! Sorry to hear that.

I personally find photography itself is difficult enough, so I am glad that digital enables me to have one less thing to worry about :).
When I loaded the roll I thought it didn't seem right the direction the film went around the spool ...
It's all part of the fun Jim, and part of the learning curve for that matter!
Everyday is a school Day...............:D:D:D now where have I heard that before Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :D

I'm finding the white space in #5 inspiring ;)

At least I got in first before DD has had chance to give you a little :D:D:D:D
Ah yes, other way round to the Mamiya. People often refer to it as 'breaking the back' of the film. You only do it once though!! You should try the mysteries of a Polaroid back on one. That conjures up 'Tales from the Darkside' like feelings until you work it out!!
You should display all 12 as a conceptual series Hamish - charge a couple of mill for them

Call them 'What could have been'.. :D
I'm actually watching a few polaroid backs on eBay ... It my birthday in a few weeks so shall be dropping a few hints!

Thats a good call Chris ... There was a very faint smudge on one or two of them, would have made quite a nice series if they hadn't have for some reason found there way into the bin ;)
Brill! Cheers Pete!
It will make the hasselblad come alive for Hannah, she loves instant photography ...
I can't imagine it gets better quality ...
(I know they are really for test shots ... But I want one or the fun of it)
I feel your pain! I've just got my first roll developed for my first 'proper' camera (Voigtlander Vitoret D) and the whole thing was completely blank, which is obviously user error as the shutter is fine. I didn't get charged for it, though, which was nice. I was sure I had taken some great shots...
what the boffins need to invent is a camera with some sort of magic eye display on the back, that shows you the photograph after you've taken it - so you know it's good...

I know... crazy talk - just an idea ;)
what the boffins need to invent is a camera with some sort of magic eye display on the back, that shows you the photograph after you've taken it - so you know it's good...

I know... crazy talk - just an idea ;)

You're mad...... MAD I TELLS YA !!
Ignore the smart asses above ;)
Do you know what went wrong? Can we help diagnose the issue?

Is that a reply to me Hamish? erm... I am guessing the film hadn't caught on the small hook/tooth. I saw the negs and they were perfectly clear (although I didn't take them with me, maybe should've) I think the trick is to see if the rewind button goes around when winding on, and if not something is wrong. I'm going to shoot a new roll tomorrow lunchtime, just to see.
Sorry Andrew, yes, it was to you ...

Hmm, my advice, take a couple of photos of nothing then open the back to see if it has wound on ... you might loose a couple of frames, but at least you will know you are going to get something at the end!
It happens at the top as well. One year I was covering the winner's circle following the running of the Daytona 500—biggest stock car race of the year. Heard a bunch of cussing behind me. It was a free-lancer from New York City who had finally nailed a gig with Sports Illustrated—and shot the whole race on a single frame. With a motorized Nikon, you have to consciously take your eye from the finder to see the rewind turning. With the motor, there is no feel of the tension on the film, as when you hand-advance it. He had to fly back to NY and explain why the magazine should pay him his fee, plus the price of an expensive hotel and meals for a week. He was nearly suicidal.

If the film did not advance, it would only take a turn or two to rewind it. If it took considerable turns to rewind, then the film actually did go through the camera, and you have a problem. Secondly, there would likely be a heavily exposed frame at the beginning, though not necessarily.
Is that a reply to me Hamish? erm... I am guessing the film hadn't caught on the small hook/tooth. I saw the negs and they were perfectly clear (although I didn't take them with me, maybe should've) I think the trick is to see if the rewind button goes around when winding on, and if not something is wrong. I'm going to shoot a new roll tomorrow lunchtime, just to see.

I try to make a habit after loading film of checking to see if the rewind knob revolves when I advance the film. Usually I do this:

1. I load the film and advance it.
2. Close the back when I'm comfortable that the film has been grabbed.
3. Fire the trigger.
4. Advance and fire again, meanwhile observing rewind knob.
5. Take up the tension by turning the rewind knob until I feel resistance.
5. Fire again then advance film while watching for the rewind knob to turn.

By that time I am at about shot #1 on the film counter and I also know my film is advancing normally. If something is amiss I'll open the back and check--I haven't lost much,...just the leader film and maybe one frame.

Of course, this only works for cameras that have a manual rewind knob.
1. I load the film and advance it.
2. Close the back when I'm comfortable that the film has been grabbed.
3. Fire the trigger.
4. Advance and fire again, meanwhile observing rewind knob.
5. Take up the tension by turning the rewind knob until I feel resistance.
5. Fire again then advance film while watching for the rewind knob to turn.

Thank you - This is what I did, and keeping a close eye on the rewinder. I just got the roll back, and everything came out ok, except for the first shot which had large overexposed strip (I hadn't wound film far enough before starting, so got 25 shots from a 24 shot roll)