Critique Welcomed My floating head & mona lisa...

Adam Lewis

Well-Known Member
Got bored earlier so had a play with low key technique.
Was only happy with 1 out of about 15 photos (because I have 2 cold sores & a red nose which is cracked and peeling (just had a huge cold and/or a virus).
I'm not sure if I like my floating head, but here it is anyway:

And my Mona Lisa-esque:

Both edited using the beloved Snapseed which I only just found a button that opens up a whole new world of possibilities to me lol.
I think they both work well and are rather good. The head does loom out of the dark a bit on the first but I think it make it dramatic. The shadow on the cheek and neck are a bit hard on the second maybe they need lifting slightly?
I agree with Paul. Both are good. First, thanks for concealing in shadow your cracked red nose.

I like the chiaroscuro effect of the first one. It lends drama and impact. I like the tones in the second--if someone told me it was an album cover for a solo musician I'd willingly suspend disbelief.
Paul, thanks for that, I totally see it now, I had my iphone screen on as bright as it would go and it looked ok, but since in-brighting it, it's too dark.
I tried to fix it on snapseed again but it just looks even worse trying to fix - the limitations of a phone lol.

And Brian, you really would be thankful that I've concealed it in the shadows lol, I look like a mutant :D
I also like the processing onto the light used and can see it being something to explore or at least a good skill to have to repeat where it's affects work well, and are needed.
Well Julian, the light was up there in the corner, though it didnt cast into the walls behind me (I left lots of room), so I could've literally had a head floating in darkness, however I edited in the cast from the flash (onto the wall). I exposed for darkness. And was a good 6ft from the wall see. So the removal of my tshirt and the cast of flash are edited in :)

- - - Updated - - -

Oh yeah - I also have edited myself more hair in the Mona Lisa shot, can anyone notice where? Lol
I think they both work bbut for me I would like a crop from the right hand side so that you are looking into open space, I think that would add more mystery and intrigue, especially to the second as the first has it by the fact that you are just a face...

It's good to take boredom to the next level don't you think? :)
Like this Kev?

Any less of a crop and I'm left with a distracting white line at bottom right (from tshirt shoulders)
Perhaps I shouldn't have been centre to camera in the first place lol