new fuji lenses and firmware update


Let Fuji know of your 'need', and the date. Show them your portfolio. I've read a lot about their flexibility and support. You never know...
And more...


Note that the proposed 56 f1.4 will now be 1.2...due early 2014.
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I actually mentioned above that it was now 1.2 - but my brain slipped back to 1.4. People seem very excited about that. I'm also wondering what the difference will be? More detail in low light? More bokeh?
changing it from an f/1.4 to an f/1.2 should offer better bokeh, possibly better detail at smaller apertures (f/2.4 should look sharper on a 1.2 than a 1.8), and a slightly larger sweet spot. but can't say all that for certain without know what changes were made to the lens to allow the wider maximum.

thanks for the advice stephen, i may try that. lol. good to know fuji wants to be easy to work with. but the wedding i'm shooting is a little different than usual, not only can i not shoot the ceremony, i can't even be present for the wedding ceremony. i'm doing photos outside the temple after the ceremony and a small reception. so i probably don't need the 55-200 for that...probably...

steve, yes, you want the zoom lenses.
Gee thanks Beth....:D I can only get one. I think I've decided to go with the 55-200 since I could see myself using it at 135mm a lot. I have the other primes so it's more practical for me right now. I will get the 18-55 but that is going to require me to sell off the rest of my Nikon gear. I really wanted to wait until December. I'm going to take a Photography class where I work. It's film only and you have to use a manual camera. I'm going to find an inexpensive Nikon to use some of my Nikon lenses with. We have a really nice darkroom so I'm kind of excited about it.

I can't imagine there is that much difference between F1.2 and F1.4 but I'm not that knowledgable about that kind of thing. I just hope it doesn't add too much to the cost of the lens.

I don't know why I'm having such a hard time with the Nikon stuff. It's probably because I'm going to end up losing a lot of money on it. I never use it anyway. I'm just being hard headed.